I intend to use your designs on T-shirts. Do I have to give credit on every T-shirt?
- No, of course not. But do you have a web site? Can you link to us on your web site? Not a big deal for you, but a big thing us.
I am using your business card templates to print business cards for my customers. How do I give credit to your site?
- Again, put a link on your site. Bookmark us in your account on Digg, Stumble Upon, whatever you have.
I used some design elements from Vectorportal to design a book cover. I gave attribution to your site in Credits section of the book.
- Thank you very much. We appreciate it. That's the way it should be done.
I would like to use some of your vector designs in a TV commercial but I cannot give attribution on it . What do I do?
- Take a look at the footer of this site. If they could do it, you can do it too.
The short answer to all these questions should be "Give attribution where applicable". If you are creating T-shirts or business cards or tattoo on your brother's chest :), you don't have to give attribution. But if you are creating a book cover or using our image in a newspaper, you can always put a credit to our site.
If you are distributing our artwork (through web sites, free CD collections, magazine CD/DVD's, tutorials or any other channel), please always attribute to Vectorportal.com.
We have invested thousands of hours into these designs to make work easier for graphic designers. If you can't give attribution on your final product, create link to Vectorportal on your site, spread the word over Internet, social networks, tell people about us. That's all we ask.
Here are few examples of what acceptable attribution looks like.
T-shirt design (on Zazzle)
Logo design
TV Commercials (Fox Syracuse), attribution in the footer
Organization logo, attribution in the footer
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